пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Census Bureau Announces Cinco de Mayo Multimedia Web Page

WASHINGTON, May 2 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The Census Bureau PublicInformation Office's newest multimedia web page goes live on Friday,May 2 in preparation for the upcoming "Cinco de Mayo" celebration.Click on "Multimedia" on the "Newsroom" section of the CensusBureau's home page or directly access the web page: http://www.census.gov/pubinfo/www/multimedia/index.html

This web page contains digital downloadable photo images, radiosound bites, video and related Census Bureau data tables andinformation. Reporters in both print and broadcast can use theseelements when reporting on Cinco de Mayo as well as other CensusBureau-related topics.

Please note the video news release (VNR) on this web page is adownloadable file, meaning Internet connections may requireestablishing a QuickTime plug-in (a link available through the webpage).

PIO's next multimedia web page, commemorating Older AmericansMonth, will feature streaming video -- an on-demand service. Stand byfor details.

Please call or write PIO Broadcast and Photo Services withquestions or comments. Phone: 301-763-3011, E-mail:broadcast(At)census.gov


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