SEX drug Viagra works wonders for WOMEN too, it was revealed yesterday.
Tests have shown females get just as much pleasure from the male anti- impotence pill as men.
Now US manufacturers are working flat out on developing a women's version of the "little blue miracle", which has sex-enhancing side-effects. It could be ready in two years.
TV producer Trine Villemann tried the male drug after hearing rumours it was taking women "to the moon and back".
She asked her doctor for Viagra and he was happy to oblige by giving her a prescription.
She said: "He told me 'I've given Viagra to my wife and my mistress. They both say it's fantastic'."
Trine, 38, and her 43-year-old husband then put it to the test in a marathon sex session.
Trine, who lives in Miami, said: "Believe me, the result was amazing. If an orgasm is like climbing a mountain and the moment of ultimate pleasure is when you finally reach the summit, then I was the mountain climber who never wanted to leave that mountain again.
"I was just hanging up there feeling the warmth running through my body like a Florida wildfire.
"With the help of my husband I went straight to the highway to heaven and I was in my own world for such a long time my husband managed to send out for a pizza while I was gone.
"Afterwards my husband said 'I thought I was going to have to scrape you off the ceiling.'
"I had read about the side-effects, blurred vision, dry skin and headaches but experienced none of those.
"Viagra certainly works on women. Those blue diamonds are definitely a girl's best friend."
Other women in the US have used the Internet to reveal how Viagra has transformed their sex lives.
Mum Laurie Kline, 41, from Baltimore - the first to enrol as a guinea pig in a US trial - said: "It's a miracle pill. I can't believe how well it worked.
"Thank God there's something available. For women it's going to be incredible."
She had not been able to make love properly for six years following a partial hysterectomy.
She said the side-effects were dry sinuses and a slightly light-headed feeling.
Another woman said it made her feel like having sex all night long.
Nurse Joan Lusby shouted "Yes, Yes, Yes" when she was offered the drug as part of a trial.
She said: "It has allowed me to be a wife again."
Her love life collapsed after a botched hysterectomy and she jumped at the chance when given an opportunity to take part in the tests.
Now Joan and Jack, her husband of 28 years, are making love again and she is ecstatic. Mum-of-three Joan said: "The first time we made love after the hysterectomy I could feel no pleasure. I had no sensation at all.
"I was devastated. I hoped it was temporary but as time went on nothing came back.
"The little bit of stimulation I had sort of fizzled out like Fourth of July fireworks that don't quite go off - the damp squibs.
"Eventually I told Jack 'I can't do this any more'."
Then Joan was put in touch with urologist Jennifer Berman, who was conducting trials on women and Viagra.
Joan, from Maryland, decided to go for it. She said: "I had nothing to lose. I didn't think it would do much, but I had tried everything else.
"I had been to marriage and sex counsellors and physiotherapists and we even tried sex aids but nothing worked."
Joan went to hospital to take Viagra under strict laboratory conditions.
She said: "I took two 50mg tablets. It was difficult to see what it did for me there as my husband was not with me. Even so, I noticed a change."
Joan then put Viagra to the test at home.
Joan said: "The first time I took one 50mg tablet and that helped.
"But I felt it would be better if I took a larger dose. With 100mg it was better." She added: "It all takes a while to work - it doesn't happen immediately.
"It can take an hour - your head wants to do it but you don't feel anything responding.
"Now we have changed our love-making style. We'll go out to dinner and have a glass of wine then we look at our watches and think 'What time are we going home'.
"It makes it more spontaneous if you're out when you take the pill.
"Viagra has gone part of the way to restoring what I had previously."
It is believed many British women will also experiment with their partner's pill after Viagra becomes available on prescription in September.
Derek Machin, one of Britain's 400 urologists, said yesterday: "The word is Viagra works perfectly well on women and will help those with sexual dysfunction.
"If it's as good as we hear, it could spread like wildfire through the female population."
The drug, hailed as the greatest sexual liberator since the contraceptive pill, will cost pounds 6 a tablet.
Hundreds of women - including up to 500 from Britain - are taking part in European trials run by manufacturer Pfizer.
Medical side-effects are still unknown.
Doctors have already warned huge demand for Viagra from men could bankrupt the health service. A similar drug for women would double the problem. Speaking to the British Medical Association in Cardiff, Mr Machin said once Viagra became available it was inevitable both sexes would use it.
He said: "Officially, it will be a drug prescribed on a named-only basis. But it will get on the black market.
"Some women will get their hands on it and, if they find it works, it will spread rapidly.
"It's very difficult to control something if it's working."
Mr Machin warned the drug could be abused just as tranquillisers are and said it should "definitely not" be taken by pregnant women.
Health workers say the drug should not be used as an aphrodisiac.
And agony aunt Anna Raeburn said it was "depressing" the drug could be used by women.
She said last night: "Women will take the drug because they think it will improve sex. We are talking about sex as if it was like passing the 11-plus."
Viagra was dubbed the "aspirin for manhood" yesterday by one of the US doctors who helped discover it.
Dr Irwin Goldstein, of Boston University, said: "It helps blood flow to the sex organs, keeping them healthy. I have such happy people on this stuff."
One in 10 men in Britain are said to suffer from impotence. There are no known figures for the number of women victims.
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